Article on PCI DSS 3.2.1 in The Connection

The Connection has published an article written by Greg Swedosh on PCI DSS 3.2.1 and what it means for the NonStop. With the advent of PCI DSS version 3.2 there were a number of significant changes that affect the HPE NonStop environment. PCI DSS 3.2.1 sets these changes in stone as the dates for compliance have now passed. This article, published in the July-August 2018 edition of The Connection, provides details of what organizations need to do to satisfy these new requirements. While being PCI DSS compliance is important, as recent high profile data breaches have shown us, it is not the same thing as being secure. With this in mind, this article focuses not just on being PCI DSS compliant, but also on making sure that your systems are secure. Click here to read the full publication of The Connection, July-August 2018 edition.

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